A tougthfull consideration on speculative design.

→ This website weights about 8.6mb, the average webpage weights around 3. The standard Gmail inbox loads on average about 600kb. The e-mail you just opened has about 90kb. In total you just loaded 10.1mb on your computer. For every gb of content loaded about 2/3 kg of CO2 are produced.

→ As design is a future oriented discipline every action demands a pondered decision, and as a designer every artifact you produce, has an impact on the world, being it enviromentaly or socially oriented. During the develoment of these artifacts, you must consider beyond every option and how these will consequentionally impact the world around you. Since you have the choice, you also have the responsability, not only as a designer, but as a fellow human being.

→ By coming here you just produced about 250gm of CO2. Everything can be speculative, so please, speculate everything...